What Will I Get Out of PT?

Pelvic Physical Therapists address the unique musculoskeletal problems of the abdominal & pelvic region that can have a significant impact on your daily life.

Pelvic floor and abdominal wall dysfunction can lead to pain, disruption in bowel and bladder habits, or sexual problems that effect millions of men and women. 

You may think (or have been told) you have to live with your symptoms and that it’s a normal part of pregnancy/aging/surgery/birth, etc.

Maybe you have seen many different specialists looking for an answer, and have tried different medications or procedures without getting relief or a good understanding of your condition

During the course of treatment, the focus is on YOU!  You & the PT will create a customized plan for your specific needs and goals, in a peaceful, supportive environment.  The goal is to empower you in the management of your health and teach you many strategies you can do on your own to better your condition. 

The PT will meet you wherever you are in your journey and provide you a path to a better quality of life!